Friday, January 16, 2009

More Tips

Hope you find this helpful!

If you eat late at night, the food turns straight into fat.

Not true.
If your overall calories are appropriate for weight loss, you certainly can eat something after dinner. Late night calories will ultimately get used the next day (and even while you sleep). However, for the sake of energy, it is always better to eat your calories during the day when your body needs the fuel. Plus, eating consistently throughout the day will stabilize blood sugar levels -- so you’ll feel energized and experience fewer cravings. If you are going to snack after dinner, I suggest choosing something 250 calories or less.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are more nutritious than frozen.

Not necessarily.
Frozen can be a great produce option (just avoid varieties with added salt, sugar, and sauce). Frozen foods are picked in the peak of ripeness, then frozen. You can eat them as you need them -- and most of the nutrients are locked in. On the other hand, fresh fruit and vegetables are typically harvested before they ripen, and can have nutrient variability. Also, the longer fresh produce sits around in your fridge, the less nutrients it will contain. Bottom line: Buy both fresh and frozen and eat as much as you can.

Cravings are your body's way of telling you it needs something.

This has never been proven.
You normally crave what you like to eat (or smell or see someone else eating). Also, hormonal changes are sometimes responsible for food cravings. Ice cream and pickles anyone?

Any type of water is always better than soda.

There are a few caloric waters with sexy marketing ploys. In fact, some brands have quite a bit of sugar. Always check labels.

Certain foods, like grapefruit, celery, or cabbage soup can burn fat and make you lose weight.

These are anecdotal stories that have no scientific back up.
It’s true these foods are low in calories, but they do NOT actually burn fat

9 Great ways to loose wieght!

1. Get a good Nights Rest-
The less you snooze, the less leptin (a powerful hormone) your body is likely to produce. Leptin helps promote weight loss in two ways- it discourages you from eating, and it rouses you to expend more energy. Also the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates appetite, is higher in people who don't get enough zzz's . So if you don't sleep soundly try and squeeze in a nap the hormones are affected by how much shut eye you get in a 24 hour period.

2. Turn off the Radio
When a restaurante wants its customers to finish their food and go, it plays fast music- as quick as 120 to 130 beats per minute (which is a quicker tempo) and for good reason. The speedier the tune, the faster (and the more) you'll eat. So before any meal either switch off the tunes or tune it to something nice and slow.

3. Never Skip A Meal
Ever! Ignoring breakfast, say isn't going to save big calories. Trust me. You'll become so ravenous, you'll likely gobble down whatever you can get your hands on at the following meal. The reason- Physically, you blood sugar plummets, making you feel famished. Emotionally- you may feel entitled to eat more. Plus, when you deprive yourdelf of food, your body thinks there isn't a source of nourishment available. And as a result you metabolism moves at a snails pace. And we all know the slower your metabolism the harder to loose weight.

4. Leave the Car Behind-
Your risk for obesity increases by 6% for every hour you spend in your car each day. While every mile you walk each day decreases you chance of obesity by 8%. How do get that exercise in? When you're on the phone ( expecially with that chatty person) pace back and forth. to really knock off some calories throw in some sqats or lunges. And while you're watching TV make sure you get up and move around during commercial breaks. Climb up and down stairs or speed walk. Going to the mall? Good shopping rule- no escalators, no elevators period.

5. Get some Sun-
Your body need sunlight to producea feel-good hormone called serotonin, which will lessen your cravings for sugars and carbs. so if you're longing for sweets, go outside even if the weather is cold. It's also a good idea to keep blinds and drapes open during the day.

6. Don't store cookies and other treats in glass jars-
If you keep fatty foods out of sight, it'll be much easier to keep them out of mind. It's been determined that women expecially eat more chocloate when in sight then store in a container or cubard out of sight.

7. Set your fork down after every bite-
It takes around 20 minutes for your stomach to realize it's full. So when your eating to quickly, your body doesn't have time to reconize that you've eaten to much. So you eat a lot more that you would normaly. So slow down, you'll see how eatring slowly will perk up your taste buds.

8. Flick On The lights-
The dimmer the room the more you'll eat. Why? Low lights make you feel relaxed and less self conscious. so the brighter the room the less likly you are to over eat. So keep it bright.

9. Loss the anger-
If you don't keep your emotion under control it can make you fat. How? Getting riled raise a stress hormone in your body, and that increase can make you gain weight- so the angerier you get- the more frequently you get angry- the more likely you are to put pounds on around your waste. so the next time someone pushes your buttons, step back and take a deep breath and think it it really worth it? Close your eyes and press your thumbs to your temples and message the stress away.

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