Monday, January 19, 2009

Another Repeat

So, I had a repeat of last week - 2 itty bitty pounds. I know what I need to do to make this weight loss better and have it come off quicker - I just lack the motivation right now. I seriously need to hit the treadmill and workout videos. But, like Kyla, I too had my little monthly visitor and didn't feel like doing a darn thing. But, enough with the excuses - this week will be better! I decided that my goal for this week is 4 pounds!!!

1 comment:

  1. I think 2 pounds is awesome. I have always heard that 2 to 3 pounds is all you should lose in one week. Any more and it will come back. I love the treadmill and have done it for years but last summer I started running outside the same as I would on the treadmill. It honestly came off faster and I was much more toned. I really liked running outside. Of course not right now, but when it warms up I think I will do it again. The first few times I tried I couldn't run the whole way and thought I was going to die but it got easier and easier.
