Friday, April 24, 2009

Okay, so I was reading comments on my last update and was in a hurry and before I realized what I was doing I wrote my weekly update as a comment on my last post so please see my comment on that post if you are interested in how I did this last week.....see you next week!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Okay so here is where I stand if any of you are still out there. After my little Porsha was born 13 1/2 months ago I was gung ho. After losing what you lose just after the baby is born, which for me never seems to be much I had 20 pounds still to lose to get down to what I was before pregnancy but I set my goal much higher and lost 40 pounds. I got within 5 pounds of my high school weight. Great huh! I thought so too until winter came and I had back surgery and enjoyed cooking way too much. So now I have put 20 pounds back on. I am thinking this weight is a very comfortable weight for my body cause is seems to find it's way back there so often. Well I am not going to let that happen and my goal is to lose 30 pounds by July! I know I can do it. (Mind over matter, mind over matter......). I am a little frustrated though because for the last 10 years after my babies were this old it was time to get pregnant again, so instead of still trying to watch my weight I would have been enjoying life (or food I should say) again. Since those baby days are definitely over, times ten, I can't let myself think that. I have to get that mindset out of my system and make things happen. So anyway. That is where I stand and I will try to post every Friday how I am doing since that is they day I officially weigh in every week. (And I go off my diet on Friday afternoons and don't start again until Monday mornings. I don't just go all out on the weekends, I just allow myself dessert after dinner on those nights. May not sound like much but it gets me through the week. So see you in 8 days!

Monday, April 6, 2009

I did it!!!

Well my fellow dieters I have reached my weight loss goal of 30 pounds!!!! i actually reached it about two weeks ago but have waited to post cause I wanted to take some pictures. I still have no pictures but I will try to get some by next week and post them. But just wanted to let you all know and to keep you motivated because you can do it!!