Thursday, March 19, 2009

How Is Everyone Doing?

Just wondering how everyone is doing. I am okay and have been doing good with my workouts. My back is giving me a lot of problems and I will be visiting the doctor in SLC within the next few weeks. I hope everyone is great and reaching their goals.


  1. What's up with your back?!?!

  2. I'm not sure what is going on. The site where they fused my disk has been really sore, it is also getting jammed and I will hear this huge pop. About half way up my back is starting to hurt and last night I noticed that I have this huge dark spot around the surgery site, it's like a light bruise. Weird?1?!? I made an appt. for March 25th, they are going to do an MRI and see what is going on, I hope it's nothing major.
